If you haven't heard (or somehow stumbled upon this blog-my early apologies) I'm working on my PhD in Education: Online and distance learning.

I had a goal to finish my regular classwork by the end of 2008. Check. So the entirety of 2009 will be developing a topic, research, and...that number stuff. I thought it would be fun to see what happened if I tracked the dissertation process as a journal. I never journal. ever. So this may feasibly be the only post on this, but hang tight and yell at me to post more if I'm not.

I'm going to track the whole thing with this handy dandy little journal/notebook thing I have by writing in that and scanning the images. The written journal will be little thoughts that I expand upon in this account. This way the analog among you can at least check in to look at the photos and realize that I'm not getting my PhD because I'm really smart or something. My handwriting looks like poo and I'm tired of people asking me if I'm a doctor.

And it makes it an analog/digital format...kinda like digitizing VHS tapes, which is just so wrong it hurts. And if this hurts, I'm sorry.

So, sit back and laugh at my freaking out about this process as it unfolds. As a benefit, if I end up hanging from the rafters at some point, you can go back and see at exactly what point I lost it.

I'm looking for some way to calculate odds and post them so you can vote on how much of this you think I'll get through.